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US Presidential Candidate Asks Frito-Lay To Cut Ties With It Gets Better
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has asked Frito-Lay the producer of Doritos, to cut ties with pro-LGBT non-profit group...

(Photo: ET Online) Australian rapper Iggy Azalea has cancelled her performance at the Pittsburgh LGBT pride event due to racist and...

Lexington Judge Rules In Favor Of Shop That Refused To Print Pride Shirts
A Lexington judge has ruled in favor of a shop that declined to print T-shirts for a gay pride festival. The shop in Lexington, Kentucky...

Proposed Florida Bill Would Restrict Trans People from Using Public Restrooms
Proposed Florida Bill Would Restrict Trans People from Using Public Restrooms (Photo: The Guardian) The Florida House panel is...

Republican State Representative Files complaint to Wrong Judge
Arlington Republican state Representative files complaint against gay marriage…to wrong judge. (Photo: Progress Texas) Retired Army major...

California Attorney Wants Homosexuality to be Punished By Execution.
Ballot filed by California attorney to execute all gays. (Photo: Joe My God) Matt McLaughlin, 45, has submitted his proposed Sodomite...

Nebraska’s gay marriage ban struck down
Nebraska’s gay marriage ban struck down by federal judge. (Photo: Wordpress) U.S. District Judge Joseph F. Bataillon has just ruled...

Tiffany & Co Feature Gay Couple In Commercial
Tiffany & Co release ad campaign featuring same-sex marriage proposal. Tiffany & Co, a 178-year-old company, has released its first ever...

Discrimination now LEGAL in Arkansa!
New bill leaves LGBT community open to discrimination, legally. (Photo: Texarkana Gazette) Arkansas’ appalling attempt to ban...

"Relationship with Jesus" Doesn't Justify Refusal of Service
Florist rejects settlement offer after state judge rules "relationship with Jesus" doesn't justify refusal to service gay wedding (Photo:...
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