A Conversation With NL Liberal Leader On LGBT Issues & Education

Q: What are some programs or measures that your party will support and push for to address the needs of LGBT people and families in this province?
A: Liberals celebrate diversity and inclusion throughout our society. We will continue to stand up against intolerance and discrimination. More specifics are discussed below.
Q: Newfoundland and Labrador has just become the first province to replace repayable student loans with non-repayable grants. Could you comment on that?
A: For years, Liberals have been calling for the replacement of student loans with grants and we’re pleased that this initiative has finally been implemented.
Q: What are some strides that need to be made to counter bullying in schools?
A: No one should feel threatened going to school and we will continue to speak out against bullying. Over the past number of years, great strides have been made to publically talk about bullying in our school system and unite against this form of intimidation.
Liberals believe that we cannot stop there, and need to continue to create the right environment for a school system that is completely free of bullying. We will continue to support bullying awareness and prevention programs and work with stakeholders like PREVNet to explore new options.
Q: Would your party be open to introducing an LGBT movement history curriculum in schools?
A: The Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador believes the K-12 curriculum is in need of review. We have therefore committed to a Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes and will hold public consultations to ensure a new curriculum meets the needs of today’s students.
The Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador believes that today’s curriculum should educate students on various movements like the women’s, civil rights and LGBT movements. Students should understand the role of activism in effecting social change. Instilling in students an awareness of their own potential for effecting change prepares them to take an active role in a rapidly changing world.
Q: Would your party be open to exposure to LGBT families in curriculum material at the elementary level?
A: Liberals celebrate diversity and inclusion. Our Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes will be guided by such principles to ensure students are receiving an education that reflects today’s world.
Q: Where do you think we could improve when it comes to quality of education?
A: Liberals have lobbied for Full Day Kindergarten because of positive effects on children’s learning. We know it will set our children up for success with improved early learning, while also providing earlier intervention opportunities for students with special needs.
We believe the current Government has not been focused on educational outcomes. A key priority for Liberals is to establish a Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes to put focus on ensuring our students are prepared for their next steps following high school. This taskforce would be comprised of students, parents and educators and other key stakeholders.
We know students from Newfoundland and Labrador are performing below the Canadian average in a number of areas. Given the importance of preparing our students for today’s world, we believe curriculum review is one area of much needed focus.
Q: What do you think the biggest challenge facing new graduates from this province is today?
A: Simply put, jobs. Labour force data from Stats Canada shows a troubling trend of consistent year-over-year job losses. New graduates are entering a labour market that is faltering for lack of economic diversification. The current government has failed to create the conditions for businesses to succeed, and job growth has suffered as a result.
Additionally, in the absence of up-to-date information on the labour market needs of the province, many new graduates are coming out of school only to find there are few job opportunities available to them. A failure to compile and communicate timely labour market information has resulted in a skills mismatch for some new graduates.
What do you think is the cause of young people moving elsewhere for education?
A: There are many reasons young people may leave our province to further their studies. For example, the apprenticeship system in the province is fraught with challenges, which may lead some to study elsewhere. Other students may simply want to experience life elsewhere, and studying abroad can be a very enriching experience. Recognizing this, it is important we work with our post-secondary institutions to showcase the world-class learning opportunities that are available right here.
With an aging, declining population, it is important to consider the various reasons why young people may decide to move away for education but also the factors that will encourage them to return and build a life here.
Q: Would your party be open to and push for an LGBT office at Confederation Building to address the needs of the LGBT community of Newfoundland and Labrador?
A: It is crucial that policy is viewed through a variety of lenses to ensure that programs and services meet the needs of a diverse population. While there are a number of offices/divisions devoted to marginalized groups within government, establishing a LGBT office at Confederation Building is indeed worth consideration.
Q: Could you comment on the recent announcement of a change to the vital statistics act to allow Trans people in this province to change their gender marker without having to go through invasive and expensive gender confirmation surgeries first?
A: Following from our commentary above on the potential of the individual to effect change, we applaud Kyra Rees’ successful challenge of the Vital Statistics Act. We can appreciate the undue duress experienced by trans people when their government-issued identification conflicts with their identity.
Q: Will your party support and push for healthcare procedures for trans people to be covered by MCP?
A: MCP is just one example of where applying LGBT lens would ensure programs and services meet the needs of all our citizens.