(Photo: Daily Xtra)
Several Vancouver parents are suing the Vancouver School Board over a new policy allowing for transgender students to use washrooms corresponding with their chosen gender identity.
Xiaofeng Huang, Yuen Cheng Li, and Shaohui Li argue that the VSB’s policy violates their children’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that the policy could lead to a decline in the enrolment of international students who pay a premium to attend school in Vancouver.
“Some students are uncomfortable with sharing very personal information or private spaces with members of the opposite sex and deeply care about their privacy when using the washroom or change room,” states the petition.
The three parents who filed the petition, along with almost all of the roughly 200 residents who filed affidavits in their support, are identifiably Mandarin Chinese.
The VSB stands by their policy and says that nobody’s rights are violated by letting trans students choose which washroom they use.
“The petitioners lack standing to bring this petition as no legal right of the petitioners is implicated by the adoption policy. The adoption of the policy does not affect the right,
privileges, or interests of any of the petitioners… The revised policy does not discriminate against non-trans students.”
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